What Is Emotional Jealousy?
Jealousy is an umbrella term for a range of emotions. It can vary from suspicion to rage and from fear to a deep sense of humiliation. And guess what? It doesn’t discriminate based on gender, age, or who you are into. Jealousy can hit anyone, anywhere.
What Does the Science Say?
As people express jealousy through diverse emotions or behaviors, it is difficult to form a single scientific definition of jealousy. Psychologists say that jealousy is as natural as breathing for us humans. It’s part of our emotional toolkit, a survival mechanism that traces back to the caveman days when we had to ensure no one took away things or people dear to us.
However, jealousy isn’t always what it seems on the surface. It’s a mix of possessiveness, insecurity, and
even shame. Understanding that mix can help you cope with jealousy more appropriately.
Why Should I Care?
Jealousy is an unhealthy and negative emotion. When out of control, it can turn into physical or
emotional abuse. You might start trying to control people or make them insecure. It’s like your feelings are going haywire, hurting you and others.
That’s why overcoming jealousy is crucial to preserving your physical and mental health. When you
work on managing jealousy, you are not just giving yourself a break from the emotional rollercoaster.
You are helping your body relax, and your mind find peace. Basically, you are giving yourself permission to breathe freely again.
Featured Expert
They say jealousy is the green-eyed monster that messes with your vibe. But Lucy Sheridan knows how
to tame that monster. Her warmth and wisdom create a space where people can express their struggles without the fear of judgment. She is a comparison coach who talks to people, improves their mood, and makes them laugh. So, if you want to feel happier and stop comparing yourself to others, Lucy is the person to go to.
Want to learn what do your emotions tell you? Connect with her @lucysheridan.
Everyday Hacks to Manage Jealousy
Overcoming jealousy is a journey, and it takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself and celebrate
small victories along the way. Here are a few hacks to help you manage jealousy:
- Have an abundance mindset: Jealous people hardly appreciate others’ achievements. However,
having an abundance mindset heightens your level of satisfaction, allowing you to freely
celebrate others’ gains. - Learn from successful people: Next time you come across a successful person, get curious
about the road they took. Then, use their experience to shape your own journey instead of
underestimating yourself. - Know your strengths: Nobody has walked in your shoes exactly, and that’s something to be
proud of. So, share your ideas, learn from your experiences, and make the most of what you
have got. - Determine what you want: Sometimes, you have to let go of what’s not clicking and take it step
by step. Each little move may seem small, but in the long term, they lead to something big.
Jealousy is normal: Jealousy is part of the human experience. Once you accept it, you can either
let it drive you into a spiral of negativity, or you can take control and drive in a positive direction.
Did You Know?
When you tell jealous people they are getting under your skin, they will secretly feel happy because
that’s what they are hoping for. By keeping your calm, you can turn this whole thing around.